a)plan coaching

Specializes in:

  • Purpose Driven, Proactive Living
  • Shifting Struggle into Opportunity
  • Innovation, Health & Well-being
  • Conscious Communication & Inspired Leadership

Jon is an executive and leadership coach, and founder of VIBRANT U Academy. He coaches clients around the world to create their best life powered from within.

Jon was involved with national service in the early 90’s. He received a graduate degree from MIT, as the technology revolution exploded, enabling him to work managing teams developing large, custom software systems to transform organizations. The work provided the opportunity to travel the world.

He was diagnosed with a chronic neurological disease, multiple sclerosis, that brought him to his knees. Jon found his way through the suffering and turned the tables on the disease. He wrote a book titled, Shadow Summit. Telling his healing journey, encouraged by a coach using Dave Ellis’s coaching philosophy—the foundation of a)plan’s coaching methodology.

Jon’s purpose is to listen to clients, assist them to reveal their brilliance, and create their best life.

Education & Credentials

  • BA from the University of Richmond
  • Master of City Planning from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ten-year career managing teams to create breakthrough technology solutions
  • Dave Ellis Falling Awake and Money Course trainings
  • Optimum Health Institute mind, body, spirit program
  • Published Memoir, titled Shadow Summit
  • Trademarked 7 VIBRANTs well-being philosophy

Client Testimonials

Jon’s a coach who knew when to hold space for me when I was exposing my vulnerability and when to challenge me when I was pulling back in fear. This allowed me to fully process the most important events of my life and to make breakthroughs to live a better life.

J.H., Corporate Director

Working with Jon has been more impactful and results driven than any therapy, professional development, or self-help work I’ve done over the past 10 years. His ability to ask questions and more importantly listen allowed me to identify and focus on the key areas of my life I wanted to change.

E.T., Director of Development

Last year I started to work with Jon because I’m the founding member of a startup and had become overly focused on my professional life. Things had become too one dimensional. Jon helped me to open things up and see possibilities.


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