Much like our coaches, our clients represent a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs.
The consistent theme among all of our engagements is that we help individuals achieve higher levels of performance, fulfillment, and purpose.
“My coach has shifted my way of being in ways that were unimaginable to me 18 months ago and I’ll be forever grateful!”
Alexis P.
Non-Profit Executive, SF Bay Area
“Working with a)plan has been a meaningful part of continuing to elevate my self-awareness and managerial style.”
Martin A.
Tech Executive, Silicon Valley
“Coaching helped me get out of my head, stop making assumptions, and trust my instincts.”
Erwin A.
Director of Racial Equity, SF Bay Area
“I found the app and the structure of a)plan really compelling. It made it easy for me to engage and get a benefit from the coaching in small bites.”
Jaime M.
Digital Health Executive, Chicago
“Through working with an a)plan coach, I learned that the personal and professional are inextricably linked.”
Arturo E.
Entrepreneur, Silicon Valley
“I have become stronger, more resilient, more clear, and more grateful–through the coaching I received from a)plan.”
Laura M.
Educator, Palo Alto
“Before I started working with a)plan, coaching seemed pretty “touchy-feely” and one of the pleasant surprises that I found is that it’s very rigorous and practical – and effective.”
Nilay O.
Architect, East Hampton, NY
“The intentionality that my a)plan coach has helped me bring to my life and work has been nothing short of transformative for me.”
Leena B.
Foundation Executive, Westchester, NY
“My a)plan coach has given me tools to navigate day-to-day challenges while helping me meet longer-term goals aligned with my true purpose.”