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Do you want to feel better, do better, and live a more fulfilling life in all respects? Welcome to the world of holistic wellness, a focus in the self-improvement space where individuals seek to unlock a more complete sense of life fulfillment. Read on to learn more about whole-person wellness and popular holistic wellness solutions on the market today.
What Is Holistic Wellness?
Holistic wellness is a unique approach to everyday well-being that considers all aspects of a person’s life, including physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and environmental “health.” At its core, whole-person wellness seeks to understand the individual as a whole being, taking into account the myriad ways that behavior, lifestyle, and environment influence well-being.
Holistic wellness encourages individuals to strive for balance, harmony, and inner fulfillment by recognizing that all aspects of life affect one’s well-being. These typically include diet, exercise, relationships, work, family, personal development, and more.
Pursuing a life defined by whole-person wellness requires individuals to be reflective and action-oriented. In any attempt to achieve personal transformation, getting from point A to point B requires change. That often means changing habits, thought processes, priorities, and discipline. To assist in that journey, let’s look at some common resources related to this focus.
Popular Holistic Wellness Solutions
For individuals wanting to actively pursue this type of lifestyle, a variety of helpful solutions exist today, including events, therapy, and coaching services. Let’s consider some of the pros and cons of each.
In-Person & Digital Events
In-person or digital events related to holistic wellness can provide a spark of inspiration. Some examples include personal development conferences, yoga weekends, and wellness retreats.
Wellness events can be immersive for short periods of time and focus. They typically provide sources of inspiration and enlightenment, helping individuals to reset, refresh, and leave with new ideas to implement into their everyday lives.
Because wellness events are typically short, one-time experiences, they lack a sense of accountability, ongoing support, and consistency. Inspiration often fades over time, leaving participants without sustainable change.
Therapy-Oriented Services
Therapy is a popular default for many when it comes to life improvement, especially as one seeks to enhance overall wellness. Therapy can be life-changing. However, when it comes to holistic wellness solutions, it’s important to consider what you’re getting and not getting from therapy, as we’ve explained in depth here. For those in need of a refresher, here are some basic pros and cons of therapy.
Therapy can help turn the focus inward, which is often a first step toward whole-person wellness. It involves reflection, thought partnership, and an overall goal of life improvement.
For those wanting to focus on new goals and future-oriented solutions, therapy may focus too much on the past and problems related to previous traumas. This isn’t always conducive to a successful wellness journey.
Holistic Wellness Coaching
For those seeking tangible change in multiple areas of their lives, holistic wellness coaching offers a solution-focused approach to improving mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
Holistic wellness coaching considers what you want to experience and provides the tools, resources, and support you need to achieve your goals. A coach uses an integrative approach to help improve health and wellness in all facets of your life.
Coaching might not be the right first step for those needing to uncover and work through past traumas before focusing on future-oriented solutions to wellness. For some, a combination of therapy and holistic wellness coaching is a winning combination.
Here’s a bit more on what exactly is involved with whole-person wellness coaching.
Holistic Wellness Coaching: Definition & Key Concepts
Holistic wellness coaching is a type of coaching focused on achieving greater levels of well-being, including physical, financial, emotional, and relational. In this type of coaching, rather than coaching to a specific skill set or targeted goal, it’s about your whole being. This type of coaching pays attention to the language you use, your thought patterns and beliefs, and your daily habits and practices.
Does everything you do align with how you want to live? The food you eat? The work you do? The relationships you nurture? The financial investments you make? These are the questions you’ll unpack through coaching.
At a)plan, we view wellness coaching as an ongoing supplement to life that provides consistent inspiration. With a focus on future plans—not past problems—our coaches provide conceptual tools, information, and guidance to help clients identify and set achievable goals for transitioning toward healthier behaviors.
How Holistic Wellness Coaching Works
Coaching from a)plan starts with identifying what’s working in your wellness journey and where adjustments are needed to experience better health and well-being. As an a)plan client, you can expect to:
- Work with your coach to align your goals and aspirations around the question “What do you really want?” with a focus on wellness.
- Use technology to amplify the experience, such as the a)plan app to track your progress (gratitudes, accomplishments, goals, etc.).
- Meet weekly with your coach via virtual formats and message them when needed via text chat in the app
During this process, our coaches tap into their clients’ strengths to foster sustainable change toward achieving healthy lifestyle objectives. Individuals gain self-awareness about the relationship between physical, emotional, mental, environmental, and social well-being, developing a better understanding of how one’s life experiences are interconnected.

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Holistic Wellness Coaches at a)plan
Our 50+ coaches at a)plan are trained and vetted on the same proprietary coaching method. This method is designed to unveil the brilliance in our clients and to maximize ultimate wellness, fulfillment, and success. Whether you aim to experience greater personal development, improved relationships, a healthier mindset, or something else, you can get support and guidance from any of our coaches, all of whom have experience in holistic wellness.
If you’re looking for a long-term, sustainable solution to wellness, coaching from a)plan may be the best next step in your journey. Take our coach matching survey today to find the perfect coach to help you create a life in which you thrive.
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