a)plan coaching

1. I have enrolled in coaching services (Services) with a)plan for a certain period of time. 

2. The Services are provided solely through the a)plan website and dashboard and include:

– An initial assessment of goals, values, strengths, challenges, and opportunities

– A one (1) hour launch to identify coaching goals and commitments

– Regularly scheduled coaching calls, including:

—- An assessment of progress towards goals (as part of a coaching evaluation after 3 months)

—- An end-point summary of progress towards goals and plans for the future

– Summary notes after each session

– Pre-session exercises and post-session assignments

– Contact between sessions via the a)plan app

3. Session scheduling will be managed directly with my Coach. If I cancel any session with less than 24-hours’ notice, I will forfeit that session. Additionally, being more than 15 minutes late to a coaching session will result in the session being forfeited. To receive the full benefit of a)plan coaching, I will show up for all of my coaching sessions. I also understand that situations may arise where a coach might need to reschedule a coaching session. For example a)plan coaches are entitled to four weeks off during the year for their sustainability and this might impact a coaching session. The coach will work with me on rescheduling any sessions that are missed for any reason.

4. This coaching program is a process based on the use of a wide range of tools and methods that requires my active participation. My Coach will guide me through the process, but I am responsible for delivering my own results. I understand that successful coaching requires me as the Client to be coachable. Being coachable includes the following declaration from the Client:

– My learning is a top priority during this coaching relationship.

– I give my coach permission to coach me.

– I approach my learning and growth with courage and the curiosity of a “beginner”.

– I agree to be open and honest and to seek to share all relevant information with my coach.

– I am responsible for my own learning and growth. I will make specific requests when my needs are not being met by the coaching relationship.

– I am responsible for my actions and inaction.

– I will share with my coach any concerns or discomfort that I have about my coaching relationship, specific interactions between me and my coach, and my general experience of coaching.

5. I understand the comprehensive nature of a)plan coaching and that it deals with all aspects of my life including work, relationships, finances, health, entertainment, and community. I acknowledge that deciding on how to handle these issues and implementing my decisions remains my exclusive responsibility.

6. I understand that a)plan coaching is suitable for people who are emotionally healthy. I agree that I will not use a)plan coaching as a substitute for medical care, counseling, psychotherapy, or substance abuse treatment. If I have any physical or emotional challenges, or a mental health disorder, then I certify that I am not using a)plan coaching as a substitute for medical or mental health care. I acknowledge that responsibility for all decisions associated with these issues lies solely and exclusively with me.

7. I understand that a)plan offers coaching services only, and does not offer psychotherapy or any other state-regulated mental health services. Although my Coach may be licensed to practice mental health counseling or psychology, my Coach is not authorized to do so through a)plan.

8. I have a reasonable expectation of privacy and confidentiality in all information I relay and opinions I express to my Coach in conversation and in writing. I understand that my Coach will not sell or share anything I have relayed to them for any reason. Though my Coach is not a legal mandated reporter, he or she may choose to relay information to authorities about certain crimes that have been committed or certain crimes that are being planned in order to protect me or someone else from harm. I have read a)plan’s Privacy Policy at https://www.a-plancoaching.com/privacy-policy/

9. I accept the a)plan website and app “as is.” a)plan makes no warranty of any kind regarding the a)plan website and app. I acknowledge and understand that: (A) the a)plan website and app are still in development; (B) the operation of the a)plan website and app may not be error-free